An Americana Thanksgiving Playlist

Tons of Music to Warm the Cockles of Your Thanksgiving Hearts

Thanksgiving is such an intense emotional holiday - all that traveling, all that preparation, all those expectations... For some of us it means coming back home, which is a joy and a relief in and of itself. For others it might mean remembering a home that’s vanished, or being the home to which family returns, or simply finding oneself part of a family of friends. 

So here’s a mostly Americana themed playlist that should reconnect us to those earlier days of a nation for which we sometimes need reminding to be thankful.  There is joy and jubilation and grace and tenderness. There’s also a dash of reality (Patty Griffin’s Making Pies is probably the most moving testament to the loss endured by the families of fallen soldiers...) and a hint of loneliness, to remind us to honor the pain of those who are not so lucky as to have families intact.  So let’s all show our deep thankfulness for the family and friends we do have, because we rediscover, at Thanksgiving, that they are the real reason we keep on going.

Some of the songs here don’t bear an exact connection to Thanksgiving but celebrate a sense of place, or that bear the stamp of a communal spirit. Some just have a sound that I think would enhance this special moment in time...

and then there are the tunes that are just so damn upbeat togethery they leapt into the list:)  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, y'all!

How to get the full playlist:

In the Apple Music 'widget' to your right, hit PLAY and you'll can get a preview of the tunes through 30 second samples. But ideally you'll do what I've done - become a member of Apple Music.  Streaming music is the future, so don't run from it!  It's a easy way to find an infinite playground of music which you don't have to store on your bulging hard drive.  After your free trial, it's about 10 bucks a month.  Not bad for endless music.  And you can play it from your smartphone when you run or walk the dog!

And after you sign up, if you want a tiny insider peek at Apple Music, check out this page which provides a bit of an overview.